Music Therapy

Is Music Therapy covered by insurance?

Typically, Music Therapy is not covered by insurance. Some agencies who provide Medicaid support services may cover the cost, but consolation with a social worker is recommended. Health Savings accounts may be used to fund services and monthly statements of payment can be provided. Other local organizations may provide grants for cost assistance. Family Hope [...]


What is the process for enrollment and assessment?

Enrollment is always open, but contingent on the schedule and availability of the therapist. The intake process could vary between one week to up to three months. Music Therapy Assessment: Children  In our experience as music therapists, we understand that your child’s world is made up of many working parts. Collectively, it helps to have [...]


What specific services do you offer?

Specific services provided at the Franciscan Life Process Center or contracted with area agencies include: music therapy assessment individual music therapy group music therapy music lessons for those with special needs consultation services for educational facilities, homes for the elderly, and others music therapy internships, observations, field experiences If your agency is interested in contracting [...]


What facilities do you serve?

We serve the following facilities in West Michigan: Lincoln Developmental Center Lincoln School Pine Grove Learning Center KC Oakleigh South Godwin Elementary North Godwin Elementary West Godwin Elementary Sunset of Jenison Covenant Living of the Great Lakes Harbor House Ministries Porter Hills Village and Porter Hills Green Houses Georgetown and Cambridge Manors Clark Retirement Community [...]


Who do you serve?

Ages and abilities may include but are not limited to: Children and adults with special needs Those with severe mental illness Elderly Neurological disorders or injuries Individuals diagnosed with cancer or other high risk medical conditions Young children Individuals in hospice and/or palliative care Autism Spectrum Disorder


What is Music Therapy?

Music therapy uses evidence-based research to assist development in the 4 domains of function: cognition, social, physical and communication.  Music is the foundational tool to facilitate this growth and form a therapeutic relationship. Common goals include: aid speech development reduce anxiety improve coordination help develop relationships increase focusing ability provide pleasurable experiences develop new skills [...]

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